The Designer

Over the past 12 years I’ve worked as a Product Designer for multiple consumer and enterprise applications. I have a proven track record of taking a concept from ideation to a shippable product or feature. I have a great deal of experience producing quality deliverables across a range of disciplines.

I’m empathetic and I care. Whether it be for the user, or those I am working with, I pride myself on being kind, and most of all, fun to work with.

The Ginger

When I'm not designing, music is my focus and my biggest passion. I love to make and produce it.

When not doing that, I'm usually watching some form of basketball (Go Lakers! Go Ducks!).

A Few Fun Facts

  • Favorite Movies: Dumb & Dumber / A Beautiful Mind
  • Favorite Food: Peeeeza
  • Favorite Animals: Wolves / Pigmy Goats / Giraffes
  • Favorite TV Shows: Breaking Bad / Dexter / Friends / The Office
  • Favorite Books: Mindset / The Da Vinci Code